
The Secret to Learning How To Be Happy | Life’s Decisions | Redneck Wisdom

How To Be Happy
How To Be Happy

I get a lot of people that know me ask me how I can stay happy all the time.  This typically happens when they know I’m going through a rough time of some sort, yet my outlook on life is still positive and overall I’m still happy.

The truth is that I’m not happy all of the time.  I get angry sometimes, I get sad, I get disappointed, but when I start to feel these feelings I look for POSITIVE ways to change my mood.  Maybe I’ll call up someone that I know will cheer me up.  Maybe I’ll watch a movie or listen to a song that takes me to a happy place.  Or maybe I’ll go exercise.   Basically I make the CHOICE to change my mood to BE HAPPY.

So here’s my secret to being happy – CHOOSE to BE HAPPY!

That’s it!  If you want to be happy in life you need to choose to be happy and then find the things you can do to change your mood when you’re not happy. You might be calling BS right now, but I challenge you to try this for 30 days.  When you start feeling a mood other than being happy, recognize that and then IMMEDIATELY work on finding a positive way to change your mood.

I can tell you that one of the most positive things you can do to make yourself happy is to help someone else.  By giving your time or money to someone that can really use it you will receive more happiness than anything else you could do!

Some negative things you DO NOT want to do are, eating junk food, do drugs, drink too much alcohol, spend more money than you can afford (excessive shopping) and other destructive acts.

Next time you’re feeling anything other than happy, try making the decision to be happy and actively following through with an activity that will help you feel happy.