
Importance of Setting Priorities | Definite Purpose in Life | Redneck Wisdom


As I’m sitting here drinking my Moscow Mule, I’m reflecting on a few conversations that I’ve had recently with people like Bill Belew and a sermon from my church.  All the discussions have happened in the last week, yet I’ve been wanting to write a post like this for about a month.

For years I’ve been studying success and how people achieve success.  I’ve searched within and even looked how I achieved my own successes, especially those that people never thought I would have.  In all successes that I’ve seen they all have one thing in common there were all a priority in the persons’ lives.  Though, they were more than just a priority, the achievement of that success for those people was a definite purpose of their life.

The greater the purpose that people set on becoming successful, the more successful they were able to become and the more they were able to keep their success going.  When people, like you and me, set a purpose in life and set our daily priorities in line with achieving that purpose, then that purpose has a great chance of becoming reality.

Over the next couple of weeks I will add posts that outline different ways to set priorities and how to figure out where your definite purpose in life is.  Stay tuned!