Life, Technology

How Protect Yourself from Hackers that Steal Facebook Passwords | Redneck Tips

Facebook Security Settings
Facebook Security Settings

The news recently reported that millions of passwords to Facebook and other Social Networks were acquired by hackers through the use of malware.  These hackers didn’t necessarily hack into Facebook and other sites to get the passwords, instead they got users to click on a link which caused that user to download some malware (malicious software) that then reported their passwords back to the hackers when they logged into their social networks.

Every Social network handles their security differently, but recently I wrote 8 security steps Facebook users should take to protect themselves from having hackers and others login to their Facebook account.

The steps you should know about are:

Secure Browsing

Login Notifications

Login Approvals

Code Generator

App Passwords

Trusted Contacts

Trusted Browsers

Where You’re Logged In

– Learn more about each :

Each of these steps only take a second to learn about and implement.  If each of us takes just a few moments to ensure that our Facebook profiles are secure then we will eliminate the ability for many of these malware attacks to spread.

So quick, before you get caught up in anything else, head over to the link above, read about the security tips and implement them now!