Life, Technology

Facebook photo albums not showing in mobile app fix

Are you missing some of your photo albums in the Facebook mobile app? If so, there’s a really simple fix to get them back into your mobile app.

Here are the steps to fix this:

  1. Login to through a browser on your phone, tablet, or desktop
  2. Navigate to your Profile
  3. Click on Photos
  4. Click on Albums
  5. Now go to an album that isn’t showing up in your mobile app and open that album
  6. Add a new picture
  7. Delete the new picture (optional)
  8. Go to your mobile app and check the photo albums section as you should now see that album
  9. Repeat steps 1-8 for all albums that aren’t showing

It sucks that you have to do this for each album, but if you’re annoyed by not seeing it in the Facebook app on your phone, then this is the only way that I found that will get an album to show up.

My guess is that during an update to the app a developer set a parameter to not show any albums that were updated prior to a specific date.

Leave me a comment to let me know if this helped you get your photo albums to show up in the Facebook app.